Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Early Release Days

As you all know December 18th, 19th, and 20th are all early release days.  School will be dismissed at 12:20.  Please make sure you have made the proper arrangements for your child to go home these days.

Since these days are half days, we have different activities scheduled.  In addition to these activities, our class will explore Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Winter Solstice. The activity scheduled is as follows:

December 18th
Read-a-thon & Winter Solstice activities
We will have a read-a-thon on this day.  Your child may bring in a few of their favorite books, as well as a pillow, stuffed animal and a blanket to read on. Snuggle up with your favorite book and enjoy!

December 19th
Game Day & Kwanzaa activities
On this day, students may bring in their favorite games to play.  Please restrict games to board/card games only.  No expensive electronic games will be allowed.  We do not want these items to be lost or stolen.

December 20th
Polar Express movie & Christmas activities
The Polar Express has become a favorite holiday tradition for millions of readers.  We will ring in the season by watching The Polar Express. Please allow your child to wear pajamas to school to enjoy this event!  Children must wear sneakers to school but they may bring slippers to wear in the classroom. Please send in hot chocolate packets and or cookies for the class to share on this special day.  

We hope you enjoy your holiday season! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Math Homework Help

At the top of each math homework, underneath the chapter and lesson it has a title of the concept we are working on. For example tonights homework has Algebra- Ways to make numbers to 20. When you go to the site you will look on the left hand side and choose the grade 1. Then look underneath that drop down menu and choose the concept from the drop down list that matches the concept titled on the homework. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Here is the site again

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Enjoy this wonderful time with your family! I hope everyone has a safe and thankful thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flipped Lessons

I have recently added some flipped lessons on grammar. These videos and resources can be very helpful for students. I have also added some new videos on related math facts. Please go to the section on the left hand side of my website that is called Mrs. Fernandez's Flipped Lessons and check them out. There is also a video for homework help for related facts.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Common Core

Here is a great three minute video on the Common Core State Standards. This video does a great job describing the importance of these standards.

CCSS and the Importance for Students

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Math Homework Help

Please check out This website has very useful tips, tricks and videos to assist with homework help. It is simple and easy to sign up for and search for help. Please contact me if you need assistance. A very helpful video for using ten to subtract can easily be found by using the search bar.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Saturday November 2nd

Hope to see you at Tom Brown Park Saturday morning! The event starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 11. I hope to see you there! Wear your W.T. Moore shirts!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

Themes and Activities
1. Wed. Oct. 23rd“Say Goodbye To Drugs”
(A handprint to color and cutout will be given to each class. They will be displayed on a large banner on the wall in front of Guidance.)
2.  Thurs. Oct. 24th- “Run Away From Drugs”                              (Please wear your tennis shoes)
3.  Fri. Oct. 25th- “Sock It To Drugs”
(Please wear miss matched socks.)
4.  Monday Oct. 28th- “Shade Out Drugs”
(Wear Sunglasses)
5.  Tues. Oct. 29th- “Turn Your Back On Drugs”
(Please wear your shirt backwards)
6.  Wed. Oct. 30th- “Wear Red Day”
(Please wear Red to say no to drugs)
7.  Thurs. Oct. 31st –“Don’t Get Tricked By Drugs, They Are No Treat"
(Please wear orange/black or designated costumes for grade level.)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Flipped Lessons

Check out the section on the left titled Mrs. Fernandez's Flipped Lessons. You can find some helpful videos for students. Parents can also use these videos to assist with homework or lessons. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday October 1st

Wednesday October 1st is Book Fair night! Please stop by from 3-7pm and get some great books and support our school.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Read Every Day!

We are off to a great start! Please encourage your child to read every day. They are allowed to bring home their library books. They are also allowed to take an AR test on the book in class. Please encourage students to read the book multiple times before taking this comprehension test, as they can not retake it. Students are rewarded daily for reading in class. Students should bring home decodable books and reading them to you daily. They are now keeping the books in a zip lock bag in their backpacks. Thank you much for signing them, however you no longer need to do so.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Open house

Open house is September 9th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. for Pre-K- 2nd. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


We have been having a great week! Every child has been doing their very best and learning! Please remember to send in any treats for our friday friendship snack. I also have a few students that are still missing their pencil boxes and composition books. Our classroom is in need of some headphones. If you have any that you are not using, we would greatly appreciate their use in our classroom. If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me. Have a great rest of your week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School

The first day of school was wonderful! I very much enjoyed getting to know all of my fabulous students. Just a few reminders: Snack should be brought for your child each day. I still have a few students who need to bring in a crayon box and a composition book. Please send in those items as soon as you can. Thank you to all the parents who have sent in school supplies and so much more! Please feel free to call or email me if you have any concerns.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


It was great to met all my new students and parents. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year! Please remind your child that they go straight to the classroom in the morning. If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, they may go there first. I will be sending home lots of information with your child on Monday. Please make sure you check your child's backpack. If you have any questions or concerns you can email me or call me at the school. It is going to be a great year!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last week of school

I can't believe it is the last week of school! I have truly enjoyed teaching every one of my students. It has been a pleasure watching them grow and learn so much this year. Below is the early release schedule for first grade:
May 29th
Game Day
On this day, students may bring in their favorite games to play.  Please restrict games to board/card games only.

 May 30th
Bubble/Chalk Day
On this day, we will spend part of the day decorating the sidewalks and enjoying bubbles. Bubbles and chalk are available for students to earn in the “treasure chest” or students may bring in his/her own from home.

 May 31st
Movie Day
On this day, we will be “cleaning house” and watching a movie.  Please be sure your child still brings a backpack on this day, there will be many things to take home.  Report cards will also be sent home on this day.

 We will have lunch instead of snack at 10:20am on Early release days. Lunches from the cafeteria will be a bagged lunch. (Deli sandwich and fruit) On Friday we will have a pizza party so please do not provide your child with a lunch unless they do not like pizza.

Monday, May 13, 2013

End of the year- I can't believe it!

Please remind your wonderful children we still have a lot of learning days left. Kids get really excited      towards the end of the year. We have to make sure they are ready for second grade. I can't believe they are almost second graders! I'm so proud of all thier accomplishments! I would also like to thank you for all of my wonderful teacher appreciation gifts. It was wonderful to be appreciated!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

We are looking forward to our Cinco de Mayo celebration. Please send your items in as soon as possible. If you are able to volunteer feel free to come join us at 10:30. We will be participating in fun games and delicious food.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Rainforest projects and play

The students are really excited about thier rainforest projects. Students should be working on the research and visual components at home. Students are given opportunities to do research on the computers and IPAD'S at school. I will be sending out presentation dates soon. All first grade students will also be participating in a rainforest play on April 30th at 7:00 p.m. Please contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Upcoming events

 Tomorrow is our field trip to the Junior Museum. Please send your child to school in comfortable walking shoes and with a packed lunch.I recommend spraying your child with bug repellant. This Friday April 12th is the school carnival! Please send in all donations by Friday. I look forward to seeing all of you there!

Monday, March 25, 2013

This week we will be beginning a new unit in mathematics on Geometry.  Please check out Mrs. Fernandez's Flipped Lessons for an introduction to three dimensional shapes. Students should be able to view the 2-3 minute video from a mobile device or home computer. Students are always given opportunities to watch teacher videos in class on IPAD's or school computers, if they are unable to view them at home. Be on the look out for student examples!
Field trip permission slips go home on Tuesday, March 26. Please return the form  by Friday, March 29th. We will be going to the Junior Museum on Thursday, April 4th. Please remember to send in a bagged lunch for that day.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Our first graders are Springing into Second Grade! We are working on increasing our reading fluency and reading comprehension. Please encourage your child to read everyday.  Take time to ask your child  questions about what they are reading. "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."— Frederick Douglass

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tomorrow is spirit day! The theme is Country Western. We are also celebrating Dr. Suess' Birthday. Students may choose to dress for any of these special occasions. Looking forward to seeing your child's creativity!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Box tops are due this Friday. Please send in all box tops by Friday February 22nd. Thank you for all your help.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dont forget Thursday, February 14th is our love for technology walk-a-thon. Please send in all sponsor sheets by Thursday. Our school uses all the money collected to get awesome technology for our school!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hope to see you at Red Elephant tonight! I will be at the Kerry Forest location. You can go to either location. Don't forget to mention Moore, so we get the 15% for our school!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our 100th day of school is next week! I cant believe we have already had 100 days of school. This week I will be sending home a letter about our 100th day activities. Please encourage your child to complete their homework on a nightly basis. Their homework packet is divided into daily sections and they also have one sheet of a math homework a day. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at

Monday, January 7, 2013

Friday January 11th is Spirit day! Students may wear their pajama's to school with appropriate shoes. Happy spirit day!