Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Early Release Days

As you all know December 18th, 19th, and 20th are all early release days.  School will be dismissed at 12:20.  Please make sure you have made the proper arrangements for your child to go home these days.

Since these days are half days, we have different activities scheduled.  In addition to these activities, our class will explore Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the Winter Solstice. The activity scheduled is as follows:

December 18th
Read-a-thon & Winter Solstice activities
We will have a read-a-thon on this day.  Your child may bring in a few of their favorite books, as well as a pillow, stuffed animal and a blanket to read on. Snuggle up with your favorite book and enjoy!

December 19th
Game Day & Kwanzaa activities
On this day, students may bring in their favorite games to play.  Please restrict games to board/card games only.  No expensive electronic games will be allowed.  We do not want these items to be lost or stolen.

December 20th
Polar Express movie & Christmas activities
The Polar Express has become a favorite holiday tradition for millions of readers.  We will ring in the season by watching The Polar Express. Please allow your child to wear pajamas to school to enjoy this event!  Children must wear sneakers to school but they may bring slippers to wear in the classroom. Please send in hot chocolate packets and or cookies for the class to share on this special day.  

We hope you enjoy your holiday season! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Math Homework Help

At the top of each math homework, underneath the chapter and lesson it has a title of the concept we are working on. For example tonights homework has Algebra- Ways to make numbers to 20. When you go to the site you will look on the left hand side and choose the grade 1. Then look underneath that drop down menu and choose the concept from the drop down list that matches the concept titled on the homework. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Here is the site again